Become a Volunteer

Believes that changes in society cannot be materialized without help of the members constituting the societies.

Child Education

Benefitting children and their families every year, through few welfare projects on education, healthcare and livelihood.

Women Empowerment

Make a difference in the lives of Girl Child & Women. Literacy, Health & Hygiene, Financial Literacy.

Wellcome to Hemlata Charitable Foundation

Hemlata Charitable Foundation is a slum child-education development organization, directly benefitting children and their families every year, through few welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in remote villages and slums in India. Children, their families and the community become the target group for Hemlata Charitable Foundation activities as child education cannot be done in isolation and nothing else but education for children can bring long lasting change in the society.


We love to help all the children that have problems in the world. After 15 years we have many goals achieved.


Children helped

Water wells
